Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Swimming initiation

Swimming initiation

Whenever you have thought about initiating your child to a new activity, swimming may have seemed like an interesting, yet risky choice. Why interesting? Because swimming learnt from a tender age can prevent the development of hydrophobia. Also, it is an activity that once practiced on a regular basis, will help him develop a harmonious and mobile body.

However, depending on the moment you want to initiate your child to this activity, you have to be comfortable and confident enough to let him be in the water. Keep in mind that everybody is born with swimming instincts because once being put in water they begin moving their hands and feet. Therefore, it is recommended that you encourage your kid to move freely, to start with gentle exercises and start playing with him so that he is more at ease in this new environment. Remember you should be attentive and alert the whole time your child is in the water. Accidents may happen and this could lead to your kid developing fear for water.

When you made up your mind about taking him to swimming classes, you should know that you’ll need to get your kid with floaters. In this way, he will be more confident and secure. The most important factor in child's ability to learn is the way your kid feels about the water. Play games to make it fun.

It is also best that you or your partner know how to swim. This way, one of you will be with your child in the water during the classes. This will prove to be comforting for both you and him. You have to be confident when doing so because a tense parent can induce fear to the child. Never leave a child unattended near or in the pool. Don't take your eyes off a child, even children who can swim must be watched.

Remember that the sooner you start the classes the better. Exposing him to water should be done with a lot of care, but never forget that excitement and games are always welcome and will make the whole experience very enjoyable.

Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!

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