Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter

Saturday, November 17, 2012

You child is smart, but how gifted is he?

You have definitely noticed that your child is observant, curious, at times precocious and definitely smart. But you must have also wondered if he is also truly talented and gifted. Yet, you should know that there are some clear signs that can show if your child is indeed truly precocious or not.

First of all, there is the question of the age. How early can one parent spot the characteristics of the gift? Even since infancy! Remember, your child doesn’t have to show all the signs listed below to be gifted.
1. He is alert and very attentive to everything new around him.
2. He doesn’t sleep very much.
3. He may either start to speak very early on or later, but in full sentences.
4. He learns how to play games really fast and loses interest in what he has already mastered, wanting to play new and newer games.
5. He likes to discover, to investigate and search through all the corners of your house. The main point is that gifted infants and toddlers learn new things and acquire new interests very fast and have a continuous interest in everything that is still unknown to them. Once that particular activity has no secret for them they lose interest and want to start doing something else. This is not a sign of fussiness, but one of precociousness.

Later, once they grow older, children preserve the same traits: they are very curious, extremely observant, make quick analogies, can make a clear distinction between fiction and reality, can keep their focus for a longer period of time, have interests which they intensely follow, have a great memory or have a very unique imagination.

Gifted children may be very sensitive, have a great sense of humor for their age, are perfectionists, have an expanded vocabulary, read early and fast and their reading choices are developed for their age etc.

Paying attention to the way your child responds and interacts with and to everything around him will allow you to spot these kinds of characteristics early. Therefore, you might come to his help and allow the development of their talents and gifts better and faster. Also, keep an eye on learning platforms such as Fish Smarty which can be truly very helpful in your child’s progress, providing him with innovative and imaginative activities. Thus, he will always be challenged and will never get bored!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beach activities for children

It’s summer officially! Your child is just starting his well deserved holiday and you’re already planning a family getaway to the beach. It’s time for you to read about some fun games and activities for your child because beach days can be long and might turn boring for your active kid.
Firstly, remember that sunscreen is key! Since he is going to spend so much time in the sun, always make him wear a hat, a t-shirt and proper sun protection for his delicate skin. Then, you can start any of the next games in which both children and parents are encouraged to participate. Activities: 1. Kite flying. This is a very good activity to increase attention and care of your child. Plus, it’s a lot of fun! You can always rely on a good breeze for your child’s kite. 2. Exploring the beach. Collecting seashells and pebbles. It’s one of the best ways you can introduce them to the marine environment. Encourage them to find a variety of colours and shapes of seashells and pebbles. 3. Playing with beach toys (plastic shovel, rake, bucket etc.). You child is definitely going to use these toys in his beach games. 4. Ball games. Either volleyball or football, children love playing with a ball. They’ll learn new rules and have a lot of fun trying to be competitive. 5. Sand sculptures. This is the perfect activity for when you child has grown tired, but still feels active enough to get engaged in a creative activity. You can join him and help build sand castles, bridges or anything they imagine. Makes sure you’ve applied enough sun cream, as this activity may take a while. You can always bring a Frisbee a floatable surf rider and take the game to the sea, where the water is not deep for them. They’ll enjoying mixing this new element into their games. Have a great holiday!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Children and Sports

In an age where the latest technology has conquered the free time and the preferences of children of very tender ages, parents like you must consider encouraging them to start new dynamic activities.

Therefore, you should consider acquainting them to any kind of sports that would enable them to be more active, more interactive with other children and to learn traits such as competitiveness, fair play, ambition, determination and, most of all, they must have fun.

So, let’s go through the main advantages of enlisting your child in sports at an early age.
1. Children will be more active and fit which will make them develop beautifully when they grow up.
2. They will be stronger and a lot more competitive, qualities that will then translate in their day to day lives too.
3. The self-esteem will be a lot greater because they will have a sense of accomplishment different from anything else.
4. As well, they will learn about concepts such as perseverance, hard work, respect and discipline which will only be valuable in the future. Children will be more communicative since they will meet new people, children, coaches etc. and they will make friends easier.

Some sports could be and should be practiced from an early age are football, tennis (or other racquet sports), cycling, basketball (or any other ball team sports), swimming, skating, running or martial arts.

If you fear that your child might not be good at sports he just started to practice, don't be. And yes, some sports may not be up his alley and then, you should support him into taking up another sport, anything he would like to practice. Forcing a child to practice a sport when he doesn’t want to anymore or to a level that he is not comfortable with, will only make him resent and even hate that sport.

When you have to choose the sport that your child should practice think of his skills and then decide what would work best for him. Remember that only your child should decide if and when he should practice that particular sport intensely and professionally. Ultimately, the child is the one that will make all the effort so he should express judgments and concerns.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Swimming initiation

Swimming initiation

Whenever you have thought about initiating your child to a new activity, swimming may have seemed like an interesting, yet risky choice. Why interesting? Because swimming learnt from a tender age can prevent the development of hydrophobia. Also, it is an activity that once practiced on a regular basis, will help him develop a harmonious and mobile body.

However, depending on the moment you want to initiate your child to this activity, you have to be comfortable and confident enough to let him be in the water. Keep in mind that everybody is born with swimming instincts because once being put in water they begin moving their hands and feet. Therefore, it is recommended that you encourage your kid to move freely, to start with gentle exercises and start playing with him so that he is more at ease in this new environment. Remember you should be attentive and alert the whole time your child is in the water. Accidents may happen and this could lead to your kid developing fear for water.

When you made up your mind about taking him to swimming classes, you should know that you’ll need to get your kid with floaters. In this way, he will be more confident and secure. The most important factor in child's ability to learn is the way your kid feels about the water. Play games to make it fun.

It is also best that you or your partner know how to swim. This way, one of you will be with your child in the water during the classes. This will prove to be comforting for both you and him. You have to be confident when doing so because a tense parent can induce fear to the child. Never leave a child unattended near or in the pool. Don't take your eyes off a child, even children who can swim must be watched.

Remember that the sooner you start the classes the better. Exposing him to water should be done with a lot of care, but never forget that excitement and games are always welcome and will make the whole experience very enjoyable.

Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!