Fish Smarty is proposing a new set of activities for parents and children. Cooking together - recipes for kids; easy and fun outdoor activities.
Egg flowers
What do you need?
1 hard boiled egg;
1 piece of toast with butter;
It’s best if you have a cookie cutter so that you let your child cut the hard boiled eggs in perfect circles. Show your child how to arrange the egg circles to form a flower, then let him give it a try.
Put a piece of colored jelly in the center of the egg slices. To make the leafs and the stem use the toast greased with butter in the shape of a longer strip and 2 triangles (the leafs).
Your kid will be thrilled to help you prepare the flowers and to eat them.
Encourage him to experiment and create new shapes.
French toast
What do you need?
1 egg;
1/3 cup of milk;
1/8 spoon of vanilla;
1 egg;
4 spoons of flour;
1/3 cup of milk;
For both recipes, lightly whip the egg and add the other two ingredients. Ask your child to moist the bread in the mix while you fry the bread in an oiled pan, at a medium temperature until it becomes light brown on both sides. Each composition is sufficient for three slices of bread. French toast is a wonderful recipe which combines bread, eggs and milk for your child enjoyment!
After each cooking session ask your kids to help you clean up. They need to be part of each step of the process: cooking, cleaning and eating. Also, teach them to share with their friends and peers the food they have. It will help them be more giving, more sociable and less inclined to greed.
Cooking can bring together your kids and it can enhance the interaction between them and the other kids they interact with.
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter
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