Online Educational Content. Explore, Play and Learn. Education for Kids 3-9 years old. Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Santa Claus
It is obviously wonderful to perpetuate the belief in the mythical figure that is Santa Claus. Nevertheless, his creation is based on the Saint we’ve discussed before, Saint Nicholas of Myra. So, if you every have had doubts regarding whether you should tell your child that Santa is real or not, think about the fact that childhood is the time when magic and the inexplicable seem real and believable. Your children will be more open to the wonders of life if you preserve the illusion of existence of Santa Claus. They will, however, be old enough to figure out that he doesn’t exist at one point, but even if they are disappointed, soon they will learn to appreciate the innocence and magic of that time when they truly believed in Santa.
As the writer Frank Church once wrote, Santa Claus “exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy”. Make of the this celebration something more than just a day of receiving gifts, make it a day for being generous to others too. This should be a day when they can share with other children less fortunate and a time of reflection on their behavior, a time to practice good deeds for a few days and weeks.
Teach your children that even if they learn that Santa Claus is just a figment of imagination they wouldn’t be mean and spoil the magic for other kids or for smaller siblings who still believe in him.
The existence of Santa Claus is a fantastic tradition to keep whether you are rich or poor because, ultimately, it is not about giving expensive gifts, but only about the simple act of giving something, be it small or symbolic. That is also a reason why, you could practice with your children, once they are old enough, donating clothes or meals to the people who are less fortunate instead of Christmas gifts. Teach them that they can also be Santa Claus.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Pets and children
A study published in 2000, by New Mexico child psychologist Robert E. Bierer, explored the relationship between pets and children. He measured the effect pet dogs had on children aged 10 to 12 years old. His conclusion was that having a dog has a statistically higher impact on self esteem and empathy.
Moreover, occupational therapist and executive director of Animals As Intermediaries program, Rebecca Reynolds Weil, underlines that through their pets, children learn how the world and the living things are interconnected. Animals stimulate children’s curiosity and they develop a more subtle sense of communication. Children will be very curious about what their pet feels and this will only lead to them developing a curiosity about the feelings of other people, making him empathise more.
They learn how to sense when their pet is pleased, hungry, excited, playful, tired etc. without using a conventional language. Thus, they will find it easy to apply what they learn through the interaction with their animals in their human relationships.
Having pets will enable their fostering skills. They will know they are responsible for the wellbeing of another animated being. They’ll have to learn how to keep it healthy and happy. Once they know what are the basics of being responsible for a pet they will start being more responsible with themselves.
Although you have to insist that your child must be the one that takes most care of the pet, he will never know what to do unless you explain him. Make sure you always keep an eye on him and be ready to step in whenever necessary. If there is goodwill and love for animals your will become a complete family by adopting a pet.
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Kids and Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas's celebration is, in fact, all about giving. This celebration is meant to teach and remind children about the generous and giving Saint, a Turkish, third century, Christian bishop, who was known to give presents in secret, especially to those in need.
Your kids should know as well if they are good, well behaved and kind, they will “secretly” receive cookies, candies, oranges or apples in their boots from the Saint. If not, all they'll get is, depending on the different traditions, either a lump of coal or a rod. Also, remember that Saint Nick’s day is not about offering costly or impressive gifts, but rather a way of appreciating your children’s good deeds in a symbolic manner. Teach them to be equally generous with those in need, as that is the essence of this celebration. So, whatever they get in their boots they should share with their peers.
Depending on the country where this day is celebrated, children wait for the arrival of the Saint leaving hay, water, carrots or turnips, wine and a sugar lump for the Saint’s horse (in some countries Saint Nick is depicted being carried by a horse) by their doors. Also, in other countries children and their parents or teachers go from house to house and sing Saint Nicholas carols. They carry wicker baskets for fruits, nuts, eggs and sausages which the neighbours give in return.
Yet, though each culture has different traditions, this celebration’s main characteristic is the fact that people and children should offer gifts to those who are less fortunate. Giving is a virtue that you should instill to your kids and Saint Nicholas day is one of the best ways you can demonstrate this.
Happy Winter Holidays!
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Halloween safety tips
First of all, you should make a map of their route so that you can avoid unsafe or dangerous areas with obstacles or broken pavements. You will avoid tripping and falling or walking through poorly lit streets. Also, make sure children have something lit on them, like a small flashlight, flashing attire or even consider making them wear light-up shoes or sneakers. This way your will ensure that they can’t be missed in the dark.
Then, you should carefully pick the shoes that your kids are going to wear. It’s best if you skip on the shoes that came with the costume because they won’t be comfortable enough and just go for sneakers or boots.
When you buy a costume containing a mask, make sure that it allows full visibility and breathing. If the holes are too small and you kid is still set on that costume you can make them larger with some scissors. It’s very important that the mask that can be easily be put on and off.
The costumes should be appropriate to the weather in the area you live in. If it’s very warm outside they shouldn’t be wearing thick and furry costumes and, likewise, if you’re facing cool evenings make sure your kid’s costumes are keeping them warm.
Teach your kids that they should only trick or treat the houses that are lit. Usually, neighbours that don’t want to be bothered keep their lights off. Also, keep in mind that you don’t go past 9 pm. This way the trick and trickers won’t disturb the residents and will also have time to enjoy their treats.
The children should be fed a consistent meal before they go trick or treat and they should also have a small bottle of water on them all the time so that they can stay hydrated.
If your children decide to go trick or treat with a group of other children make sure a parent will accompany them along their way or you could volunteer to be their supervisor.
Before leaving for the expedition check that your kids have went to the bathroom first then give them some final advice on how they should properly behave and wish them a fruitful trick or treat.
Happy Halloween!
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ensuring that your kid stays healthy in school - Part I
When it comes to viruses the most effective method that would prevent their spread among your kids colleagues is a very good hygiene or, more simple, washing hands. You must teach your children to wash their hands whenever they use the restroom, before they eat, and after they sneezed, blown their noses, came back from outside, where they played or just walked. You should also try to explain them why washing hands is necessary ever since they are old enough to understand. Continue to repeat this and talk to his teacher to also insist on the hand washing practice in class. This way, your kid will be less likely to forget.
Moreover, besides washing hands there are also other precautions that are equally important such as: teaching the children that they should cover their mouth and nose with their hands when sneezing or coughing. Then, they must wash the hands or use a sanitary, antibacterial solution (this could be either alcohol based or an evaporating gel). However, this antibacterial solution should only be used when they don’t have any proper means to wash their hands with water and soap. Children should also avoid touching their eyes or putting their fingers in their mouth when they haven’t washed their hands.
To be continued...
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Cooking recipes for your kids
Egg flowers
What do you need?
1 hard boiled egg;
1 piece of toast with butter;
It’s best if you have a cookie cutter so that you let your child cut the hard boiled eggs in perfect circles. Show your child how to arrange the egg circles to form a flower, then let him give it a try.
Put a piece of colored jelly in the center of the egg slices. To make the leafs and the stem use the toast greased with butter in the shape of a longer strip and 2 triangles (the leafs).
Your kid will be thrilled to help you prepare the flowers and to eat them.
Encourage him to experiment and create new shapes.
French toast
What do you need?
1 egg;
1/3 cup of milk;
1/8 spoon of vanilla;
1 egg;
4 spoons of flour;
1/3 cup of milk;
For both recipes, lightly whip the egg and add the other two ingredients. Ask your child to moist the bread in the mix while you fry the bread in an oiled pan, at a medium temperature until it becomes light brown on both sides. Each composition is sufficient for three slices of bread. French toast is a wonderful recipe which combines bread, eggs and milk for your child enjoyment!
After each cooking session ask your kids to help you clean up. They need to be part of each step of the process: cooking, cleaning and eating. Also, teach them to share with their friends and peers the food they have. It will help them be more giving, more sociable and less inclined to greed.
Cooking can bring together your kids and it can enhance the interaction between them and the other kids they interact with.
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter
Thursday, August 25, 2011
What to do when it rains?
However, with a little bit of imagination and creativity parents and children can spend quality time indoors as well. You might think hopscotch is only meant to be played on the pavement, yet consider making your own indoor hopscotch with colored tape. This game can last for quite a while because it is so entertaining for children, no matter the place.
Making a camp in the children’s room or even in the hotel room will be very entertaining for them. They could either pretend they are characters of an adventure tale or that they went camping. They might even sleep in the improvised tent and this will prove to be very entertaining.
You might think that if you have to look after your children you might not have time to cook. Bring them along in the kitchen and ask them to help you. They will be particularly thrilled when you will be cooking sweets. Try not to choose something complicated and give them precise tasks such as washing the vegetables, mixing some ingredients or peeling fruits. They will enjoy doing something new and they will be particularly thrilled of seeing the result of their hard work.
If they are old enough, you should teach your children how to play cards, board games or chess. Reading, also if they are old enough, will be one of their favorite indoor activities if you show them that it is not a boring or mandatory activity. Allow them to choose their own books.
However, if they don’t feel like doing any of the above, don’t be afraid, grab some raincoats, some rain boots and some umbrellas and go outside where you can explore the environment in a way that is new to them. Allow them to run around, to get dirty, to feel the rain and the windy weather. They’ll love it!
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Outdoor Expedition Part I
A child’s place is definitely in the outdoors as nature plays an elementary role in their development. Yet, leaving for expeditions in the outer environment raises many concerns for each parent. They either worry too much, or don’t worry at all. Below you can find some helpful advice for your outdoor exploration with your children.
As tempting as it may be to keep your child in the safety of your hour house or of your back yard, or even of the park you go on a daily basis, you should be more endearing, step outside the safety zone, and try new things, more fresh air, and new areas. It will only be beneficial for your little man. It is best that each time you go ahead to the outdoors you pick your place wisely considering two or more from these elements: grass, trees, sand, mud, water, flowers or animals.
Once, children had numerous places for free play. They played everywhere, on the streets, sidewalk, alleys, be it park or a vacant parcel that the city offered. In the suburbs or villages they took advantage of the forests, rivers or fields. The opportunities were limitless and that with little or no parental supervision. Nobody worried something might happen. Now, the situation has changed considerably. Parents worry and are fearful so they carefully supervise every step their child makes. Therefore, children usually stay and play indoors or most of they outdoors activities consist of learning and playing sports.
Still, parents should go head for the outskirts of the city to allow their children to play in the woods, to head for the lake or the river or to run around the grassy fields. Remember, children can easily get bored. This is why they can choose from a variety of outdoor games they can play.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
No Kids Allowed movement is spreading
Read more here: What's the matter with kids today and why doesn't anyone want them around? In June, Malaysia Airlines banned babies from many of their first class cabins, prompting other major airlines to consider similar policies.
Lately, complaints about screaming kids are being taken seriously, not only by airlines, but by hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, and even grocery stores.
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
10-Year-Old 'Workout Kid' Has Grade Schoolers Sweating And Football Coaches Drooling
C.J. Senter may or may not be the next Tony Horton or the next Barry Sanders, but he is definitely the next 10-year-old to watch.
Granted, when most people hear "child prodigy," they rightfully raise an eyebrow and wonder who is pulling the strings. Add a workout DVD by a fourth-grader with sculpted muscles to the mix and "cute" can turn to "concerning." But it turns out the story behind "C.J. The Workout Kid" is a lot more inspiring than insidious....
More information here.
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Foreign Languages from an early age

Monday, June 20, 2011
Explore the outdoor - part II
Monday, May 30, 2011
Why play is vital - no matter the age
Curiosity is part of the exploration and learning.
Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Explore the outdoor - part I
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Child safety - Part II

Now, let’s discuss a recent issue related to child’s safety – Internet safety. Generally, we do value very much our safety nowadays, given the Internet and its extraordinary power of exhibiting many personal data about each of us, including our children. Let’s face it, they are fascinated by this virtual environment. Interdiction is not a solution here. Interdiction will negatively counteract with child’s strong curiosity about the Internet.
Every child is genuinely curious, and it is not OK to keep him away from your big and fascinating PC. Browsing your computer, your child will learn to handle it, which will prove helpful later on in his life. But he will also learn to use Yahoo Messenger, to create an account on many websites containing games or other issues for children.
To protect your child from Internet danger, tell him very clear that he is not allowed to share private information on the Internet, especially if it happens to be contacted by a stranger. And don’t forget to check his e-mail or the list of websites that he visited.
Child’s safety is a must for every parent. Although life seems to be mostly hazardous, there are some aspects that one can predict. This is true for your child’s security too. It’s your responsibility, as a parent, to take every possible measure in order to make sure that your child lives in a safe environment and that he is surrounded by good people.