The child has the capacity to learn to recycle plastic, paper and glass. And you can be his teacher. You can assure your child some short sessions of ecological education. By the power of example, the little ones adopt the behavior of grown-ups. They are fascinated by the adult activities and even by the idea of becoming or acting like a grown-up. Tell your child about separate waste collection, teach him to use the recycle bins when he is outdoors, and to save energy and water at home. Tell your child that, without taking all these measures, the world will become ugly and poor and people will be very sad. Make your child aware of the bad impact of not recycling.
You, as an adult, should realize which are the positive aspects of protecting our environment. Recycling means saving. The quantity of waste reduces, so our earth is cleaner, because the pollution level goes down. Recycling means conserving the natural resources, which prevents the nature destruction. And last, but not least, the recycling process is cheaper than the production of materials (1).
It is very important for us to live in a clean and safe world. It is very important to be able to take your child for a Saturday walk in a beautiful park, or to organize a picnic with your family and to enjoy some fresh air in the middle of the nature. Take into consideration the fact that, for paper production, trees are being sacrificed. And, therefore, we have less oxygen, and our planet is not so green anymore.
Every green gesture, little as it may be, made by you, your child or by any other man, extends the life and health of our planet. Moreover, protecting the environment is a way of respecting the earth and all other people, but it is also a common-sense proof. After all, it is an equally ecological and ethical principle that can help us save the Earth.
Note: National Recycling Coalition, “Economic Recycling Benefits and Facts”. Last accessed on 14th of March, 2010 at < >
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