Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays

Well, here we are. It is December, and this year is almost coming to its end. Some of us will fully enjoy winter time, with all its snow, lights and decorations – at home or on the street –, and with all the gifts received or given to others.

More often than not everyone spends holiday time, according to their culture and education. Most of us will stay close to their families – having a wonderful time, feeling happy and making others happy too.

Children absolutely love this time of the year, a time of harmony, peace and quiet. Generally, this period is almost like a fairytale, and especially children feel it this way. Which is perfectly OK, because fairytale stimulate everyone’s imagination and desire for doing good deeds.

There is nothing in this world that can make your child more even-minded than familial affection, love and care. The love he receives from his beloved family is what makes him grow into an upright and honest adult.

So leave all the worries behind, be kind and loving and gather all your family around. Joyful moments are coming, and you wouldn’t want to miss them! Little ones and growing ups – aunts, uncles, grandparents, nephews, nieces, grandsons, sisters and brothers – everyone should be together at the moment and enjoy a good traditional meal, a nice conversation and many wonderful gifts.

Pay attention to your child’s desires – it is best to fulfill them or, at least, try to do this in a proper manner. Maybe he wants a particular toy, a specific gift – it would be very nice to accomplish his wish! That way you can let him know that he is loved and that he or she is a good boy or girl of whom you are proud of.

Holidays are about love and family. And there is no proper moment than this one to let your child know that family is the most important thing we have. And that he is very special for his family too. Your child will be surrounded by affection and, therefore, he will learn to offer his affection to the ones caring for him.

If you wish, you can develop even more your child’s capacity of giving love. And you can also teach him to be generous and to help the ones in need. Unfortunately, there are many children that will not be with their families for the holidays. And fortunately, there are many people that can be there for them in one way or another. You and your child can be one of these people! It doesn’t take great efforts to make a lonely children feel happy and loved. A charity gift is a simple gesture to make someone smile and have a wonderful time. Moreover, by doing so, your child will learn to be good and sympathetic with other children that miss many of the things and affection that he, fortunately, receives.

Holiday time it is a perfect time for good deeds, love and sharing. Let’s spread the joy among people and children! There’s nothing more beautiful than that. Let’s cherish these once-in-a-year moments, let’s forget about trouble and have fun! Grab your child’s hand, sit together close to the fireplace, open each other’s gifts and, finally, tell him a wonderful story. Let him know that you love him more than anything and that you’ll always be close to him no matter what. He will feel protected and dearly loved. And there’s no greater reward in life for a parent than the happiness of his child.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Child safety - Part I

Do you remember some of the advice which nowadays may seem somewhat redundant or even old-fashioned: “Don’t talk to strangers!”, “Don’t accept gifts from unknown people!”, “Stay away from the cooker!” or “Close the tap!”? I’m sure that, be it old-fashioned or not, this kind of advice is still given by parents to their beloved children.

These statements of profound care mirror the parent’s urge to protect his or her child. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, our safety needs are fundamental, being one of the four basic layers of the individual’s “deficiency needs”, or “d-needs”, along with esteem, friendship and love, and physical needs.

In the first years of child’s life, parents must consider their breeding, as well as their safety. During childhood, parents always have an eye on their little children. But later on, they grow older and have to explore by themselves the big world out there. Therefore, you must make sure that, until then, your child knows his full name, home address and phone number. This information can prove helpful if he gets lost or if he encounters a problem. If such be the case, he will at least be able to identify himself and his family.

There comes a time when children must go to school. At this precise moment, parents start worrying more about the safety of their child, because he no longer spends every single moment inside the little, warm and secure environment that is your home.

The problem of child’s safety includes some well-known issues as bullying and stranger safety. Bullying is an aggressive physical or/and psychical behavior. For example, bullying can refer to violence, molestation or even verbal offences. You must explain very carefully to your kid that this kind of attitude exhibited by any person is an improper one and that no one has the right to treat others like that. You must encourage your child to immediately report this kind of behavior. He alone can’t handle such a problem, but you certainly can, as you are not only a grown-up, but also his beloved parent.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Child driven education - Part II

The main thing that you have to do in this complex process of education is to stimulate the curiosity of your child. Have you ever noticed your 2 years old child handling your phone, or even “accidentally” calling his father at work? Have you ever thought that this fact might have something to do with learning? That this fact is not just a simple coincidence? Your child is curious about your phone, he saw you using it, and he heard his father’s voice out of nowhere. He wanted to learn how to use your phone and he did it by watching and imitating you.

This is one of the most familiar examples proving that if the child has an interest, then education happens. Children can learn anything. Their capacity of memorizing information is absolutely amazing. But this capacity must be stimulated. And this is the point where parents and teachers must give the child a hand.

Dr. Mitra’s conclusion consists in a speculation waiting to be demonstrated in the following years: “Education is a self organizing system, where learning is an emergent phenomenon…” This might be the future of education. This might lead to the emergence and implementation of various alternative and unconventional methods of education. On-line education is, definitely, one of them, and its importance is constantly growing. Parents panic too much about computers and internet. Children are smarter. They simply learn and enjoy using both of them. Given this context, all you have to do is to carefully and distantly supervise your child’s educational activities and general interests.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Child driven education - Part I

What a curious title, isn’t it? Child-driven education… It seems almost impossible for many of us. But not for Dr. Sugata Mitra, an education scientist who made an interesting experiment called “Hole in the Wall”. In this hole he installed a computer with an active internet connection. Afterwards, the unschooled Indian children living in that low district started… browsing, playing games, google-ing and so on. Before that, they knew nothing about computers!!! For more details and an appealing speech, follow this link.

One of the main ideas of Dr. Mitra’s research is that “in the absence of supervision or formal teaching, children can teach themselves and each other, if they're motivated by curiosity.”

Curiosity – this is the nucleus of child-driven education. You can give your child anything: a computer, a book, or some new toys. If he is motivated enough, if he is curious enough about them, he will definitely learn how to use any of those objects. And here, the important aspect is not to use, but to learn.

Children can learn all sorts of things by themselves. They always did! Parents and teachers can guide them, but the fact is that it is preferable for them not to abusively invert in the process of education. We have to let our children some space, to let them express and experience their curiosity. This, indeed, can make the little ones progress in an unexpected and tremendous manner.

The idea is that your child must independently find the answer to the things that he is curious about. He must address questions and answer them by himself. You do not necessarily have to give him the answer. Amazingly, he is capable of finding it without any help from anyone.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Be Outdoor, Live Outdoor. Playing Sports. Part II

These benefits are at least of two main types: physical and psychical. The first ones consist in a good health and growth of the child, due to the fact that his bones and muscle become stronger. At this point, it is appropriate to discuss about the risk that your child might develop injuries when playing sports. Some parents fear about this fact, but generally, there is no reason to act like that. If your child plays sports with a trainer and has adequate equipment during classes, then the situation is under control.

Psychical benefits may refer to an increasing level of energy, decrease of level of stress and, of course, brain oxygenation – all of them improving your child to concentrate better during school classes. Let’s not forget about the development of your child’s competitive skills. This aspect leads to another area of life benefit where the kid can register benefits from playing sports. I’m talking about the social area. Even if your child will make a career in sports’ field or not, he will definitely develop some essential leadership skills. Also, working in team will develop his capacity of interaction with other people. Your child will have a balanced social life, will be disciplined and emotionally poised.

Apart of all these physical and social benefits, here is the best aspect of playing sports: sports are fun, and kids absolutely love this part! If your child manages to play sports at least until high school, the statistics say that he has more chances to be an excellent student.

So, at some point, playing sports guarantees your child’s success in life! And this is extraordinary!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Be Outdoor, Live Outdoor. Playing Sports. Part I

It is no secret for anyone: our society is more and more sedentary. Most of us work at the office, sit on the couch and watch TV for hours, or simply are not in the mood to take a walk or do some exercises. This is how many grown ups live nowadays. And, as I repeatedly said, kids imitate adult people.
Sports and locomotion are a way of life, a habit that every single person can learn. Therefore, for our kids and even for us, being dynamic is a matter of education.

What is the starting point in educating your child to be active and to live outdoor, not indoor? The simplest step you can take is to determine the kid to play sports, any kind of sport. Playing sports involves lot of physical movement and makes the little one get used to a healthy way of life. Any kind of activity that implies locomotion is good for your children (of course, it is recommended to ask for medical advice before proceeding into it). You can choose baseball, football, basketball, hockey, skating, tennis, volleyball, martial arts, soccer or swimming. Alternatively, remember that there are many outdoor activities that can fight a sedentary life: make a trip or even a journey, go for outdoor games, family activities, funfairs and so on.

How do you choose the perfect sport for your kid?
You have to take into consideration his age, his level of physical development and his personality. It is better if your kid starts practicing a sport at the age of 5 or 6 years. This is the period when he understands properly the ideas of coordination, organization and team work.

Regarding your child’s development, if he is feeble, he won’t manage to deal with the equipment, for example maybe he won’t be able to hold the tennis racket in his hand.
When it comes to personality, balance between individuality and sociability. If your child is lonely and shy, he might prefer playing a sport with a little group of children.

And finally, don’t push your kid into doing the sport you want. Give him the chance to discover what sports he likes and go for his option. And also don’t overstress him. The child needs to rest, therefore his training and learning program must be convenient.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Healthy diet tips for children - Part II

So, it’s best if you set a timetable and make some appropriate portions of food. Especially if your kid is a picky one! Don’t ever force him to eat some certain type of food. Let him choose what he likes to eat and take care that his food intake is a proper one. This is fundamental! As fundamental as it is for you to use healthier cooking techniques: broiling, grilling, roasting, steaming, and not frying (especially deep-frying). And, of course, keep your child away from fast foods, sodas and fruit-flavored drinks.

Now, let’s see what food is to be given to your child.

Here’s a good starting tip: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” So give him fruits. They are so tasty! There’s no doubt that your child is going to like at least some type of fruit. If he enjoys apples or citrus fruit, it’s great, because these contain vitamin C. If he likes plums or pears, he will have a necessary potassium intake. If he wants apricots and nectarines, it’s good to know that these contain iron.

Of course, your child can’t and mustn’t have only a fruit diet. Don’t forget to give him vegetables. And, moreover, one glass of vegetable juice a day. This is even better than the fruit juice. You can choose carrots (rich in vitamin A), tomatoes (famous for the antioxidant benefits of lycopene), potatoes (high in vitamin C), green or leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach (studies show that kids love these, and they are also low in fats and calories and high in proteins). Speaking of proteins, make sure you add some fish, eggs, beans or nuts in your child’s soup or stew. And give him some fiber too (preferably, whole-grain breads and cereals).

Whenever you can, try to serve or cook fresh ingredients. Otherwise, read the label on the products and stay away from foods containing colorants or other types of additives. If the name of the ingredient can’t be spelled, that’s not a good, natural or healthy food you’re holding in your hand! And, finally, the best advice ever: the more colored the fruits and vegetables are, the healthier is your child’s diet.

Bon appétit!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Healthy diet tips for children - Part I

I guess nowadays people are more and more fascinated about the artificial, partially or totally forgetting the natural. This is a common aspect of a mostly artificial world. Because, let’s face it: “anthropic evolution” is not a natural one! I’m not saying that this is good or bad. After all, everything we’re doing in our lives is a personal choice.

Now let’s find out several wise personal choices that you can make in your child’s diet!

It’s already summer, so things should be easier now, thanks to the fact that there are a lot of healthy and natural fruits and vegetables you can choose from. Of course, it’s understandable that a healthy diet lasts more than the summer months. You have to make sure your child has a proper diet (almost) every day of the year.

Let’s discuss some aspects about the children’s diet step by step. Every child, from one to 10 years (or more) needs some amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The difference from year to year consists of the quantity and the preparation method. A 1-3 years child needs 1300 calories a day, a child age 4-6 needs 1800, a 7-10 years one needs 2000 calories a day (1). Quite a lot, isn’t it?!

Well, children constantly grow, they have a lot of energy and they are very active, which means they certainly need food! What about food preparation? A small child mainly needs (tasty) soups, purees and natural juices. As he grows older, you can feed him little chunks of food, especially vegetables and fruits. Cut a stick or a slice of carrot, for example, and let your child “play” with it! There’s no doubt he is going to taste it! Given the fact that he’s so curious, he is capable of tasting everything.

That’s why you have to constantly keep an eye on him! OK, it’s quite predictable that when the child grows, he can join you at the table and eat almost like a grown-up! I say “almost” because now he’s watching and imitating you. So take care, because his eating habits are certainly yours. And they are long-lasting!

Fish Smarty

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How to make your kid smarter? Part II

The parents have to stimulate their child when he’s just a baby.

If your child is precocious in many ways, there is no doubt he is a smart one! The fact that he promptly makes his first steps or says his first words is really a good sign. But you must stimulate his development at all levels: mental, physical, emotional and so on. Therefore, you must help him to walk, you must read him stories, let him watch non-violent cartoons, make sure that he interacts with many people (because this will help him communicate better), play quality music around him (this stimulates his creativity), show him your affection (this gives him a feeling of security and balance), talk to him more, let him imitate you because you, as a parent, are his most important role model.

You cannot and should not control your child’s whole life, but you can definitely influence it in a major way. And you have to start early! Because everything he’ll learn in the first years will be the foundation of his entire existence.

And this foundation must be a solid and a complex one. Your child has to develop a set of principles which will guide him in every action from now on. Teach your child to think, to count, to draw, to read, to play, to express his feelings and his thoughts, to be conscious at school. But take care not to limit his needs, wishes and abilities. Let him discover what he likes and wants to do. And if his path is a good one, trust him and let him continue on it!

Your smart child will definitely make you proud! Maybe he won’t be a genius, because this kind of development can also depend on genetics, as many studies have proved. But he will surely be a sagacious one, able to face many situations in life, and to find out and realize his unique potential as a human being!

Maybe he will not make a great difference in our world, but he will certainly know how to manage his life and to be a successful person. This is why you must struggle for your child to have a good education and to develop as much as possible when he is just… a child!

Fish Smarty

Monday, June 21, 2010

How to make your kid smarter? Part I

Isn’t this quite a challenge? Don’t we all want to have a smart kid? Oh, yes, we do! But how easy it is or, more precisely, what does it actually mean? Well, it is more complicated that we may think, but not at all impossible.

When we are talking about having a smart kid, we don’t usually refer to his IQ or to his level of knowledge. These aspects are rather used linked to grown-ups. When it comes to a child, everything is a matter of intuition. And this intuition is the child’s ability to surprise us in different situations, when we are puzzled by his rapid, new and smart reaction for a certain fact, or when we are bewildered by his fresh answer to a question, or by his simple and curious advice which seemed impossible for us to reach.

In order to have a smarter child, we have to stimulate his interest for everything in this world. He is always eager to find out new things. And we have to make sure that we don’t inhibit this childish and precious quality!

So what can we do? Well, we can excite his capacity of thinking, of filtering the reality or of analyzing facts and people. We must listen to our children. We must question and explain them all sorts of things. We must give them the correct answers when necessary. We must teach our children to speak properly, to be polite with every person they encounter and to be friendly and generous with other kids. These are common sense aspects, we all know them! That’s for sure!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Recycling the environment - Part II

The child has the capacity to learn to recycle plastic, paper and glass. And you can be his teacher. You can assure your child some short sessions of ecological education. By the power of example, the little ones adopt the behavior of grown-ups. They are fascinated by the adult activities and even by the idea of becoming or acting like a grown-up. Tell your child about separate waste collection, teach him to use the recycle bins when he is outdoors, and to save energy and water at home. Tell your child that, without taking all these measures, the world will become ugly and poor and people will be very sad. Make your child aware of the bad impact of not recycling.

You, as an adult, should realize which are the positive aspects of protecting our environment. Recycling means saving. The quantity of waste reduces, so our earth is cleaner, because the pollution level goes down. Recycling means conserving the natural resources, which prevents the nature destruction. And last, but not least, the recycling process is cheaper than the production of materials (1).

It is very important for us to live in a clean and safe world. It is very important to be able to take your child for a Saturday walk in a beautiful park, or to organize a picnic with your family and to enjoy some fresh air in the middle of the nature. Take into consideration the fact that, for paper production, trees are being sacrificed. And, therefore, we have less oxygen, and our planet is not so green anymore.

Every green gesture, little as it may be, made by you, your child or by any other man, extends the life and health of our planet. Moreover, protecting the environment is a way of respecting the earth and all other people, but it is also a common-sense proof. After all, it is an equally ecological and ethical principle that can help us save the Earth.

Note: National Recycling Coalition, “Economic Recycling Benefits and Facts”. Last accessed on 14th of March, 2010 at < >

Monday, May 31, 2010

Recycling the environment - Part I

Nowadays, the sun still shines up in the sky, but it often struggles with some stormy clouds. This is a new battle, because in the past both the beautiful and the bad weather were doing fine together. The seasons still alternate, but, because of the global warming, summer and winter are longer than before. I think everyone realizes that the world is changing. But have you ever wondered what is going to happen if our world won’t be the same for you and your child?

As we all know, resources are exhaustible, unlike our needs, which are the opposite. Don’t skip this general truth, hoping that you and your child will have the chance to incessantly enjoy the resources of our world. Or that the nature will be large-handed in the future, and that air will be at least as breathable as it is now. Or that, from now on, we will benefit from paper in order to write, from energy and prime materials used to produce the objects we use everyday. No this will not the case!

In order to maintain the universal balance, you have to take measures to protect the environment. Not only you, but your child too, and so forth. From now on, children should be more aware of the world they live in and of the fact that it has to be protected. One way to achieve this goal is if ecological education was taught in the schools. Some of them probably offer this kind of classes already. But the education assured at home by you, as a parent, is most important. Don’t forget that you are the center of your child’s world. Therefore, s/he listens, observes and imitates you.

Tell your child about the nature, about our world, and explain him that the planet has to be protected. In order to make your child understand all these, take into account that s/he responds well to emotions, and tell your child that we are living in a happy world and that if we won't treat it with care, the earth can become very sad. And then make your child aware that he, as an inhabitant of our world, must accomplish a significant mission: the mission of protecting the planet.

(to be continued...)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


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Friday, April 9, 2010

The Online Education - Part II

The benefits of online education.

Why online learning?
Because you can learn at any time from anywhere. Goodbye boring and long classes. Parents can be part of the learning experience and attend their children while playing educational games.

One stop shop. Every child has his/her own way of learning, some learn via visual elements, some are learning by doing. In addition, parents have the chance to observe and monitor child's learning process without interfering via a proper reporting mechanism. An educational website could provide all these under one umbrella.

Expose to knowledge. Many of the educational programs are designed by teachers and educators across the globe, and some can not be found and learned from books. The home playground is the world wide knowledge.

Less intimidating than in the classroom. Anonymity provides a level of playing field undisturbed by age, gender or color. A child can take more time to think before making a decision rather.

Whether we like it or not, the Internet represents the future. And your child would better get used to it. Nowadays, many people have to attend classes in order to learn how to use the computer and to navigate on the Internet.

Today, the online medium is quite handy. So you can use the educational services offered by an adequate website whenever you like. You can use the didactic material as a primary source of education or as a secondary one, for thorough study.

If you supervise and guide your child’s interests on the Internet, you can successfully influence him or her to use it in a positive manner, and not just for playing games or doing other useless or leisure things that many children consider interesting.

Moreover, don’t forget that good educational websites are playful and meaningful. So they’re useful and pleasant at the same time. And this combination is always a successful one, regardless of one’s activity.

1. Coleman, Stephanie, “Why Do Students Like Online Learning?”. Last accessed on 29th of March, 2010 at < >.

Fish Smarty,
the place where children learn and get smarter every day

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Online Education - Part I

In the following lines, we’ll depict the new trend called online child education. We’ll try to list some of the perceptions regarding on-line education, and also to present the main features and benefits of educational web-sites.

The education in our evolved society. Day by day, the world we’re living in evolves in a pretty fast way. And the Internet significantly contributes to this development, being our main informative source. The classic means of information – the television, the radio and the newspapers – are constantly falling off, and some of the media companies managed to adjust the content and to create their own on-line platforms. As a matter of fact, as we all know, there are already online libraries, publishing houses, second-hand bookshops and specialized online lectures. This means that persons like you and me educate themselves and gather information by this electronic mean, the Internet. The way we are accomplishing these activities is a personal choice, according to our interests and judgment.

Starting with the Internet’s development, people became suspicious about its effects on society, on individual life, and least, but not last, on children’s education. Today, people are wary of the Internet the same way they were recently of the television or, long ago, of cars, for example. But all these are specific evolution marks and, no matter how frightened we were by their novelty in the beginning, they all became de facto features of our world. And the Internet is on the right track. The Internet is booming. The presence of educational and trustful web-sites, whether they are for children or not, is a proof that the Internet can function and can be used in a good manner.

For example, you, as a parent, like to read news, watch movies and connect with friends on the Internet, or to learn and find out new things. Your child can have a great fun as well on the Internet, as long as the content is adjusted to his or her age and interests. You can explore and encourage your child behavior to use the Internet in a useful way, without losing time as most of the kids do, unfortunately.

When you choose a web-site as playground for your child, what information would you like to see? Put yourself in your child's shoes. It's not easy to make a selection, on one side you, the parent, and on the other side the child who wants to explore, play and have fun.

A child educational web-site must be simple, intuitive and easy to use. And its content must be catchy and diverse, colored and animated. The educational activities should not have to exceed the child’s age group. Don’t forget that learning is a gradual, proper and patient process. Children learn and assimilate information rapidly, and are moved and delighted by each new discovery. A child's brain in the early years is making connections that will last for a lifetime.

Part II - coming soon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Importance of Play in the Learning Process

Do you remember the moment when your child grasped with his or her feeble little hand an object existing in the house and started playing with it? Well, this is one fact that excellently proves your child’s creativity and ludic capacity. The little ones are driven by an extraordinary imagination which, adjoined with play, helps them discover the complex and fascinating world they’re living in. This is how they get to know their loving parents, their warm house and even their own person.

Many of us know that play is the prime purpose of life. The game is the major tool used by the little ones in order to discover the surrounding universe. This is why playing became an absolutely vital educational technique. For children, learning must occur in a playful manner. Moreover, the didactic material should correspond to the forenamed principle. As a matter of fact, it is preferable that the scenes and the characters represented in specialized books, movies and web sites to look like cartoons, to be somewhat fairy. And least, but not last, the teaching and learning methods have to be playful, flexible, stimulating and not at all boring.

The kids are extremely creative and have a great capacity of learning. But they must also acquire new knowledge through a learning process based on discovery. They don’t have to learn everything by heart. Like I said, playing is discovering. And that’s why the foundation of the learning process must be a ludic technique, and not a memorizing exercise. The least is not very effective. Usually, the information learned by heart is quickly forgotten and doesn’t persist within general or specialized knowledge.

The prime meaning of playing is fun. But playing is also an extraordinary way of making your child to get used to the idea of the (playing) rule. Every playful activity has a set of rules. Generally, the common sense rules organize the learning process and, furthermore, even one’s way of living.

How do the ludic techniques act upon children? From a logical point of view, playing stimulates the child’s curiosity, and makes him or her able to focus more during the learning process. Furthermore, focusing incites the overflowing creativity of the little ones. And the result is a bigger learning desire, a natural and relaxed acquiring of the new knowledge. In other words, the learning process will become pleasant, and not compulsory. The pleasant aspect of learning is essential. As long as the child learns things with pleasure you can count on the fact that he or she will always be interested in one or more school subjects.

When it comes to learning English as a foreign language, all the forenamed statements have a major relevance, and their observance is strongly required. When a child learns English, he or she filters the reality by means of an unknown or partially known language. And this is not an easy thing to do. Don’t forget that grammatical, syntactical and lexical English system is quite different from many other linguistic systems. Luckily, the little ones have a specific curiosity and a great capacity of acquiring knowledge. These are two main features that, adjoined with play, may facilitate very much the process of learning a foreign language.

The more playful are the tasks, the better will the children learn. The specialists say that children who are active players are also active learners. And this is a major advantage that every parent can successfully count on in educating their children.

Fish Smarty,

the place where children learn and get smarter every day

Saturday, February 20, 2010

FISH SMARTY - Explore, Play and Learn Check it out now!

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Enjoy the educational games for children. A world of fantastic adventures is waiting to be discovered.

The Fish Smarty Team

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fish Smarty is preparing a world of surprises. Just to name a few: educational games, educational comics, educational drawings and much much more. Great times are ahead. And all this for our kids, 3- 9 years old. :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fish Smarty is coming soon.

Online educational content. Education for kids, 3 - 9 years old.

Stay tuned for an amazing experience your kids will take part in ...