Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter

Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa Claus

The arrival of Santa Claus in the early hours of the 25th of December is the next and probably the most important winter celebration. The jovial old man with a big white beard, red and white clothes, also known as Father Christmas, arrives thru the chimney, and then leaves gifts under the Christmas tree.

It is obviously wonderful to perpetuate the belief in the mythical figure that is Santa Claus. Nevertheless, his creation is based on the Saint we’ve discussed before, Saint Nicholas of Myra. So, if you every have had doubts regarding whether you should tell your child that Santa is real or not, think about the fact that childhood is the time when magic and the inexplicable seem real and believable. Your children will be more open to the wonders of life if you preserve the illusion of existence of Santa Claus. They will, however, be old enough to figure out that he doesn’t exist at one point, but even if they are disappointed, soon they will learn to appreciate the innocence and magic of that time when they truly believed in Santa.

As the writer Frank Church once wrote, Santa Claus “exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy”. Make of the this celebration something more than just a day of receiving gifts, make it a day for being generous to others too. This should be a day when they can share with other children less fortunate and a time of reflection on their behavior, a time to practice good deeds for a few days and weeks.

Teach your children that even if they learn that Santa Claus is just a figment of imagination they wouldn’t be mean and spoil the magic for other kids or for smaller siblings who still believe in him.

The existence of Santa Claus is a fantastic tradition to keep whether you are rich or poor because, ultimately, it is not about giving expensive gifts, but only about the simple act of giving something, be it small or symbolic. That is also a reason why, you could practice with your children, once they are old enough, donating clothes or meals to the people who are less fortunate instead of Christmas gifts. Teach them that they can also be Santa Claus.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Fish Smarty - because we make kids smarter!

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