The main thing that you have to do in this complex process of education is to stimulate the curiosity of your child. Have you ever noticed your 2 years old child handling your phone, or even “accidentally” calling his father at work? Have you ever thought that this fact might have something to do with learning? That this fact is not just a simple coincidence? Your child is curious about your phone, he saw you using it, and he heard his father’s voice out of nowhere. He wanted to learn how to use your phone and he did it by watching and imitating you.
This is one of the most familiar examples proving that if the child has an interest, then education happens. Children can learn anything. Their capacity of memorizing information is absolutely amazing. But this capacity must be stimulated. And this is the point where parents and teachers must give the child a hand.
Dr. Mitra’s conclusion consists in a speculation waiting to be demonstrated in the following years: “Education is a self organizing system, where learning is an emergent phenomenon…” This might be the future of education. This might lead to the emergence and implementation of various alternative and unconventional methods of education. On-line education is, definitely, one of them, and its importance is constantly growing. Parents panic too much about computers and internet. Children are smarter. They simply learn and enjoy using both of them. Given this context, all you have to do is to carefully and distantly supervise your child’s educational activities and general interests.